OTUR , PUNE 412409 (Maharashtra) India
Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune | Year of Establishment - 1992 | ID No.: PU/PN/ASC/090/1992
Intellectual Property (IP) is a category of property that includes intangible creation of human intellectual. Intellectual property provides assets like inventions, designs, software other creative and innovative ideas. IPR is granted to creators and owners of works that are results of human intellectual creativity.
Acts and rules of IPR are available on https://ipindia.gov.in/ ANNASAHEB WAGHIRE COLLEGE OF ARTS,SCIENCE AND COMMERCE OTUR recognizes the importance of intellectual Property Rights of IP generated by its teachers and students. The college is committed to do all sorts of IP within its power and obligations to encourage innovations and creations of its faculty and students. IPR cell of College established in June 2017. The IPR cell of college provides support and guidance to faculty and students in protecting their inventions and creations. The activity of IPR cell of the college is in alignment of Government of India.