Placement Cell
PDEA's ANNASAHEB WAGHIRE COLLEGE Placement cell organizes on campus and off campus recruitments for needy and eligible final year students of Under graduate and Post graduate Students. For the preparation of recruitment drive, Aptitude tests, Technical test, Group Discussions and mock interviews are organized by respective departments.
- Placement Cell has Coordinator and 9 members which work under the guidance of Principal Dr. A.J.Khandagle.
- Coordinator - Mr. A.N. Kawade
Members :-
- Dr. Kaldante Kishor
- Mr. Kaldante Y. D
- Dr. Jadhav V. D.
- Miss. Kute P.C.
- Dr. Kashide R. T.
- Dr. Walke S. B.
- Students Representatives
Mechanism :-
- Every year we collect department wise information of needy and eligible students through Google forms or placement registration form.
- The Placement Cell invites prospective organizations/industries to participate in the campus recruitment at college. Placement cell maintains communication details of various companies. Also, the organizations/industries, can contact to the college placement Officer for their requirement.
- The details of the respective final year students opting for placement will be sent to the company/organization concerned, as per their requirement, along with a tentative, mutually convenient date for the campus interviews.
- The company/organization may confirm the date or discuss a mutually convenient date, with the Coordinator of placement cell.
- The organizations will have an option to go for the campus recruitment to the college or invite students in one particular college or their premise.
- After confirmation by the organizations, a pre-placement talk (PPT) will be arranged on the date. The company will conduct tests and/or group discussions to short list the interested students. If required, telephonic interviews can be arranged.
- The organization will then interview the short listed students for final selection and will announce the results as soon as possible, once the selection process is over.
Note :-
- The organization that is unable to finalize the results on the same day and wish to have few more rounds of interview at their respective office may do so.
- Other than the Industrial recruitment our students are also getting selected in different Governmental organizations such as GMRT, BARC etc.
- Every year we are contacting more companies to place our students in better organizations.
- Selected students received the offer letter after document verification.
To Assist Students for better placement, the cell organizes :-
- Aptitude tests
- Soft Skill course
- Guest lectures on career guidance and technical skills
Our Recruiters :-